News & Blog

December 2, 2021
packing, moving, boxes

How to Pack your Moving Boxes

At Custom Self Storage, we have the best guide on plastic v cardboard boxes. However, many people can’t figure out the best way to pack their […]
November 25, 2021
declutter, 2021, tips

DeClutter For The New Year

December is almost here, it’s time to start planning for the new year. Nobody wants to kick off a new year disorganized and surrounded by clutter, […]
November 18, 2021
flooding, storage, boat, water

Flooding & Self Storage

Flooding Happens – but It Isn’t Insured. What you need to know for your home and storage lockers. Almost any part of North Carolina has experienced […]
November 5, 2021
storage habits, organize, records

Storage Habits to Live Better

Organization is something that is coveted by many but achieved by few. At Custom Self Storage, organization is our game. We have some habits of organized […]
October 29, 2021
small business, storage, stock, store

Where do You Store Your Stock

Self Storage to Store Stock & Inventory So you have started a business in Winston-Salem and you’re selling your goods on the internet. Fantastic, things are […]
October 22, 2021
trade shows, self storage, convention

Self Storage & Trade Shows

Trade shows are stressful, there are a ton of moving parts and It’s difficult to coordinate them all together. A major issue is where to store […]
October 14, 2021
winter, storage, prep, homes

Time to Store Away For Winter

Winter has arrived to Winston-Salem, NC. But nonetheless, the weather has been in the 60s. With that comes the time to think about storing some of […]
September 23, 2021
electronics, iphone, headphones

Keep Your Electronics Safe in Self Storage

Electronics are something that requires special care when being placed into self storage. They are oftentimes expensive and a pain to replace. Computers, TV’s, appliances, we […]
September 17, 2021
secure, lock, chain

How to Keep Your Stuff Extra Secure

We at Custom Self Storage pride ourselves on keeping your items as safe as we can. However, there are a few things that you as a […]
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