Heading off to college can be a big change. For the first time in your life, you are free, living on your own. You don’t have mom and dad telling you what to do when to come home, and to clean up your room. Being in college will teach you many life lessons, some more important than others. The first and most valuable lesson to be learned is that dorm rooms are small. It is key to be organized with your space. Here are some of our tricks and tips to make the most of your dorm room space.
Bed raisers are an excellent way to open up some extra space in your dorm room. These come in a range of sizes and create a great space for storage under your bed. You can even purchase some that come with electrical outlets too.
These are great to hang on the back of your door. You can store pretty much anything in them. A lot of people choose to store their shoes in here, which opens up some extra floor space within your closet to store other things.
Floating shelves can help open up additional space within your dorm room. These can easily be installed and removed at the end of the year. Store school supplies, books, or personal belongings on these shelves. Not only will this open up additional space, but it will also make your room look more organized.
This may seem like an obvious one, but it is often overseen. If you are able to fold your clothes properly into small little squares, you will save a significant amount of space opposed to just throwing clothing into your drawer.
These will give you much more space for clothes than your average hanger, hence the name ‘slim.’ Not only are these great because they are thinner than regular hangers, but they are also made out of a non-slip material. This way your expensive clothing won’t end up in a crumpled mess on your floor.
Whether you plan on having a study party, or not, these dorm room tips will make you the envy of your hall. These tips will save you space in your room and allow you to have a great year away from home! If you need any EXTRA space, contact Custom Self Storage today! We have great student storage available.