Being a student is hard enough, you are constantly busy, you have to balance work and school life and you’re broke. Now you have to deal with storing your items away when you need more space or need to move back home for summer. Well at Custom Self Storage we have some good news, now you can rent with friends. We want to save you money and take some burdens off you.
For many college students, it can be a challenge to come up with the money to pay for a storage unit. By renting a unit with friends or roommates, you can split the cost while also creating more space in your dorm or apartment. You’ve lived in a residence hall for a semester, but are now moving into an apartment with friends. If some things doesn’t fit and you don’t want to give it away then a shared self storage unit is a great flexible solution. You and your roommates can switch out stuff or keep seasonal sports gear out of the way.
Does all this sound too good to be true? Contact one of our storage experts today to start saving money! Make your dorm life easier by decluttering your space. Ask around campus if you need someone to find to help share the costs of self storage.