Self Storage and online selling? That is right, selling on Craigslist and self storage go hand in hand. This is especially true if you have many items or large and bulky ones. But besides that, there are a ton of other reasons why you should choose self storage when selling items on Craigslist or eBay.
No need to store items you are going to sell at your home, they take up space you need and often times sit there for months.
We have all heard stories about people being robbed and murdered when selling on sites like Craigslist. Even though these events are very rare, they are very real. Why take the chance? Using self storage to hold the goods you want to sell also provides you with a safe space to conduct your sales. With staff always on-site, Custom Self Storage is the place to sell your goods safely in Winston-Salem, NC.
That’s right, sell those BIG items: mattresses, wardrobes, desks, anything big and hard to take in and out of your home. By using self storage, you are able to store these items with us and remove the difficulty of moving them around. Arrange to meet at your unit, roll up the doors and show the item, we even have dollies to move them should they buy.
Sell on your time and sell at your pace, no need to rush to get things sold. We understand when items are stored at home they become annoyances, and you quite often want to get rid of them as quickly as possible. This can result in getting a lower price than expected due to the pressure to sell. Well, if you use a self storage unit, there is no pressure. You can wait for the right buyer and the right price. Sell in peace.
We think you will love using us to sell your items on Craigslist or any other online selling platform. Call us today to arrange a storage unit.